
Leo Club’s Orphanage Visit for Book Distribution

On the 19th of April, 2023, the Leo Club organized an orphanage visit at the “PARIVARTHANA INDIA FOUNDATION ” in the city. The primary objective of the visit was to distribute books to the children to aid them in the upcoming academic year. Additionally, the club aimed to provide career guidance to the children and inspire them to pursue their dreams. The event started with members arriving at the orphanage at 10:00 AM. The variety of books suitable for the children’s academic levels are distributed. The orphanage staff warmly welcomed the members and showed them around the facility. After that , the children gathered in a common area, and members distributed chocolates and books to them. The children were thrilled to receive the gifts and thanked the members for their kindness. There were around 30-40 students present at the orphanage, and the club made sure to provide adequate books to all of them. Next, the members organized a storytelling session. The children recited shlokas, and members shared stories with moral values. The children listened with rapt attention, and some even asked questions about the stories. After the storytelling session, the members started the career guidance program. They
started by introducing themselves and sharing their journeys. Members asked the children about their career aspirations and gave them a brief overview of various career options available in the present scenario. Additionally, members gave insights on the required qualifications and exams for different career options. The children were fascinated by the various career options, and some even asked for advice on which career to pursue. The event ended with a group photo, where the members and children posed together, smiling and happy. The members then bid farewell to the children and staff, promising to return soon. Overall, the Leo Club’s Orphanage Visit event was a huge success. The children received books for the academic year and gained insight into various career options. The event highlighted the importance of community service and the positive impact it can have on people’s lives. The Leo Club looks forward to organizing more events like this in the