

Road Safety Awareness Event



On the 13th of August the Club had organized a road safety awareness event on occasion of Independence day.Members from the club worked together to create posters that help create awareness about road safety. On 13th of August 15 members went to the corporation circle junction with the posters. We split up into groups and covered the entire area. During the red signals a few members took interviews of random people. We also urged people not following the traffic rules to do so.
After a few hours at the junction, the members then retreated to the halasuru gate police station where we gave roses and chocolates to all policemen thanking them for their tireless service. We would like to thank the halasuru gate police station for their cooperation and support for conducting this event. The members during the course of the event saw how the policemen operate 1st hand and we were really amazed by their commitment and hard work through which they manage to keep the roads relatively safe. The main goal of this activity was to make sure the public also does it’s part in keeping roads safe.