

Visit to Thayi Mane



On the 8th of August 2017, the leo clubs of new horizon had organized a visit to Thayi Mane. Thayi Mane is an orphanage located on Sarjapur main road. It is home to over 120 children.
The three club’s members had made a pretty good collection of used clothes and toys from the college students for the children at the orphanage. We members reached the orphanage by around 4:30pm and got all the children to assemble in a hall. We spent time with the kids by talking to them, interacting with them and by performing a few magic tricks to entrainment them.
Because of the limited time allotted to us since it being a weekday with the children having school we had to wind up everything by 6:30. We handed over the collected clothes , toys and a few stationery, clicked a few photos with the kids and left the orphanage with smilies and a promise to visit them soon.