Firstly we express our warm gratitude to our beloved chairman Dr Mohan Manghnani Sir and our principal Dr Manjunath under which the state level inter collegiate fest Sargam 2022, biggest fest in Bengaluru was held in November. The stand-up comedy event held in college before the Sargam 2022 fest was a huge success. The event was organized by the college’s cultural committee to promote the upcoming fest and create a fun, light-hearted atmosphere on campus. The event featured around 8 comedians The event was well-attended, with a full house of students The audience was very engaged and responsive, laughing and applauding throughout the show. The comedians also had a great time on stage and seemed to enjoy the positive energy of the crowd.
The event was a great way to promote the upcoming Sargam 2022 fest and get students excited about the event. It also helped to create a sense of community and bring people together on campus. Overall, the stand-up comedy event was a huge success and received positive feedback from everyone who attended.