The event ‘Nidhi Bete’ – treasure hunt was conducted on 18/11/2021at 12:00PM. The event was based on the concept of general vocabulary in the language Kannada. The theme of the event was “Kannada Rajyotsava“,the event was open to all the students and were free to register for the event. We got total of 40 participants, making the event very interesting and competitive. We received active participation from all the participants. The time limit given for finding all the clues was 1 hour and the condition given to was them to submit back all the clues which they found, the points […]
Karnataka 75 Amrutha Mahotsava – Clean India
Karnataka 75 Amrutha Mahotsava – Clean India, was undertaken at New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru. The objective of which was to create awareness regarding health, hygiene and the importance of cleanliness. The event was organized by the NSS Club, NHCE to clean waste, mainly single use plastic. The club members and the volunteers actively took part in the event and helped instill awareness and feeling of pride among the students to keep their surroundings clean. The key activities were to collect and dispose plastic wastes mainly from the cafeteria and lawn areas. And the event was concluded successfully by […]