GOAL’S of the club

• To promote a sound mind in a sound body.

• To bring about awareness about how important it is to keep physical and mental fitness.


  • Objectives:
    • To provide quality recreational programs and services that enhance the academic, recreational and leisure experiences .
    • To encourage a healthy, balanced lifestyle and the constructive socially acceptable use of leisure time.
    • To develop a personal awareness of physical health
    • To establish attainable goals and maintain accountability
    • To Increase self-confidence in the students.
    • To organize activities of physical fitness.

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GRIND AND GRIT  the event held by Fitness club on 23rd April, 2023 VENUE: BASKETBALL COURT   “GRIND AND GRIT” is not just an event; it’s a testament to the ethos of our fitness club—an embodiment of our core values of strength, perseverance, and relentless pursuit of excellence. It serves as the ultimate battleground where … Continue reading GRIND AND GRIT

Industrial Visit

Visit : Aluva Industry Date: 26/07/2023-29/07/2023 Location: Kerala Conducted by : NHCE Clubs The purpose of the visit to Aluva Industry was to gain insight into the company’s operations, production processes. During the visit to Aluva Industry, we had the opportunity to explore various aspects of the company’s operations. The visit included the following key … Continue reading Industrial Visit

The Hercules

“THE HERCULES” is a weightlifting competition held by NHCE Fitness club on 24th April, 2023. The weightlifting competition held on 24th April, 2023 was a thrilling display of strength, skill, and sportsmanship. Athlete showcased their talents, setting new personal records and achieving remarkable results. The event’s organization and adherence to the established rules contributed to … Continue reading The Hercules

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