Musica ’19


Organized on: 7th March, 2019


The annual spectacle that stands as a star event for the Music Club, Musica was held on 7th March. There were two categories for registration: vocals and instrumentals. At 2pm, the participants assembled at the venue and registration was completed. The event started off with the vocals category. There were 25 participants present, apart with general audience and CSO Vishwanath Sir, a special guest to the show. In between the vocals category, there were short talks on the topics of producing and releasing original music compositions by Stan, Prejwal and Jeremy. Then, there was a short group activity, in which all the participants were divided into 4 groups and had to come up with an original song or mashup in 20 minutes. All the teams performed admirably and the competition continued after the activity. The event was wrapped up with a small performance by the judges (Sanjana and Sheetal) and prizes were distributed. All the participants were given chocolates for their involvement and enthusiasm to make the event a great success!


Vocals —  1-Vishnu,  2-Vignesh,  3-Leticia & Shaun (tie)

Instrumentals —  1-Anand Chaitanya

Congratulations to the winners and we thank all the participants who came and made it a fun event!

Video credits: Aditya R V

Picture credits: Jeremy B Marak

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