The members of Leo Club NHCE visited Madhu Mansion Charitable Trust on 7th October 2021, The students had already spoken to the administrator and the owner of the Madhu mansion about the requirement. Madhu Mansion is a girl’s orphanage that consists of 38 girls and 3 boys. The children of this orphanage required necessary stationery as their schools had resumed, Leo club members fulfilled the requirements by providing 80 Books, 4 boxes of pencils, and 4 packets of pens with erasers, sharper and rulers. The Leo club members had planned to counsel regarding education, COVID SOP’s, and possible career options. The 38 children were divided into teams of 5 and each and every member of the Leo club interacted with the kids and advised them about how to tackle challenges in life and gave information about the importance of completing education. It was a very good interactive session and all the kids gave position feedback about our visit. The owner of the orphanage expressed gratitude and conveyed appreciation to Leo club NHCE for providing the stationary and counseling.