Drug Awareness Session

LEO Club  has conducted drug awareness program on 15 January 2022 to create better awareness about the types of drugs and it’s adverse effects on the student’s health and career. The awareness session started with the saying(Together, let’s ensure everyone lives in health, dignity and security) about the evil effects of drugs followed by introducing speech by the club member about Chief speaker of the session Dr. Pooja Hemanth (Psychiatry Consultant Mallige Hospital , Bangalore).

In the campaign speaker started with definition of health followed by the what is a drug and to the clear explanation about addiction and rehabilitation of the drug. Speaker importantly spoke about the youths and adolescents who are very vulnerable to drugs in big metropolitan area. The major discussion went on what causes the addiction in the person and it’s effect on family, friends and on his own body and health.
Students got clarification on the rehabilitation of drugs addiction and the steps involved in it, also mentioned that it’s a very slow process and it’s worth the wait. Speaker added the numbing and data visualization on the number of people abused the drugs. On analysis from the past two years it’s was found a considerable increase in the female numbers and explained how adversely it is affecting the society, mental and physical health of a woman also what are the long term effects of abuse.

It is a interactive session went as it expected many students asked about their misunderstanding about reason for addiction, withdrawal symptoms, organs affected by a particular types of drugs and about the rehabilitation center and got clarified.

The session was concluded by vote of thanks to the speaker and the audience by the Club member.