On the 1st of November, Tuesday 7 members of the Leo Club went to the Om-Ashram old age home located in J.PNagar. It was a beautiful home for many old people. There were senior citizens of the age 65 to 100.
The members of the Leo Club planned this event in collaboration with AIESEC Bangalore. Together we bought for the home all the supplies they had requested for like–medicines, ration etc.
Everyone reached the home by 12:30PM, it seemed like they were eagerly waiting for us. We took turns to talk to each senior present there. They enthralled us with tales of years long gone, some of which brought tears to our eyes. Although they seemed happy at the home, we could sense that they longed for the company of children and young people like us. It was like meeting our grandparents for us.
We wanted to cheer them up so we sang songs for them, cracked jokes, made them sing for us, told them our funny experiences. It was a beautiful moment seeing them smile.
They thanked us all for coming and making their day. We bid our goodbyes by taking their blessings and promising to go visit them again soon.