Mime is a type of acting that does not use words or speech. Mime is all about physical movement and exaggerating your expressions. Mimes must use their actions to send a message or tell a story. They are not allowed to speak directly to the audience.
- Minimum 4 and maximum 8 members per team
- Performance time of 4+2 minutes
- One representative of the team should be at the sound and light console during their performance
- Background sounds (if any)- Teams are required to bring their good quality music in MP3 format in a CD form and a back up copy to be submitted to the coordinator at least 2 hrs before the event
- 2016-09-09 12:00:00 2014-09-09 18:00:00 Europe/London Mime Group Mime Group NHCE NHCE sargam@newhorizonindia.edu