Call for Papers ( Best Paper will be rewarded )
The ICIREMS -2019 invites full length original research contributions not submitted to any other journal/conferences. We invite technical papers on, but not limited to, following domains.
Machine Intelligence
- Big Data, Data Sciences and Cloud Computing
- Machine Vision, Informatics and Intelligent Systems
- Network Communications, Cyber Security and Information Security
- High Performance Computing, Human Computer Interaction
- Advanced DBMS, Advanced Software Engineering
- Network Communication, IoT
- Interdisciplinary Application
Emerging Technologies for Smarter and Intelligent world
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Integration
- Energy Resources for Portable Electronics and Transportation Systems
- Industrial and Building Automation Systems
- Power Management for Smart Home, Smart Buildings, Smart Cities
- Renewable Power System Analysis mangowebdesign
- Embedded/VLSI Systems for Electrical / Electronic Application
Modern Technologies & Automation
- Advanced Safety Technologies
- Assisted and Automated driving
- Hybrid & Electric Vehicle
- Engine & transmission technology
- Computational fluid dynamics / CFX
- Advances in Nano Technology and Surface Engineering
- Advanced 3D Modelling Techniques and Simulation
- Advanced Robotics & Automation
- Digital Manufacturing & Industry 4.0
Green Technologies
- Green Building Technologies
- Smart Materials and Composite construction
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Construction materials/Technologies for affordable housing
- Remote Sensing and GIS Application
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Tunnelling and underground constructions
Sciences & Humanities
- Materials for energy storage and conversion
- Materials for sensing applications
- Nanomaterials- synthesis and characterisations
- Dielectric and magnetic studies of materials
- Forensic applications
- Materials for environmental remediation
- Advanced polymers and polymer composites
- Analytical and spectroscopic studies
- Biomass conversion
- Pure mathematics, Algebra, Calculus and Analysis, Geometry and topology, Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- Applied mathematics, Dynamical systems and differential equations, Probability and statistics, Mathematical Modelling, Fluid Dynamics
- Industry Institute Interaction for better employability
- Developing Creativity, Critical thinking and Decision making through Design Thinking
- The integration of Life Skills in Common Curriculum for Engineering and Management students
- Communication and Soft Skills for a better career
- Effectiveness of English Language Lab for better communication
- 21st Century Learning Skills
- Mastering soft skills for workplace success
- Life Skills leads to empowerment and employability
Contemporary Innovations in Libraries
- Best practices for Libraries
- Virtual Libraries and Ontology
- e-Learning Library Services Marketing
- Social Intelligence & Cultural Network Tools
- User satisfaction in the Digital Age
- Open Source Software for Social Usage
- Mobile Technology in Library Services
- Cloud Computing Services for Libraries
- Plant Biotechnology
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Nanotechnology
- Bioinformatics
- Renewable Energy resources
- Molecular Biology
- Protein Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Innovations in Business Management
- Blending business with technology for competitive advantage
- Digitalization of business-Challenges and opportunities
- Business sustainability
- Agile management
- Green management
- Social media-Its impact and influences
- Work place diversity
- Compliance complexities
- Sustainability challenges in turbulent environments
- Design thinking