Institution’s Innovation Council in Association with U-Create Club & IEEE PELS NHCE SBC, Dept of EEE, and IEEE PELS Bangalore Chapter Organizing Seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Protect your creativity with patent” The objective of the program is to make awareness about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) among students/faculty in technical institutions. The innovative project ideas created by young minds need to be protected. But, the student innovations are not promoted for business due to the lack of awareness about IPR. The seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Protect your creativity with patent.” makes them aware of what can be patented and what cannot be patented. It will also give a brief introduction to patent filing procedures.

Seminar Outcomes:

The seminar creates awareness of Intellectual Property rights (IPR) among participants with special reference to patenting. Participants will be given knowledge of patent-related terminologies. Participants will learn from scratch about patent drafting, formulation of claims, and filing. The seminar creates awareness of what can be patented and what cannot be patented. For further Contact: Rachna Palli, Secretary – U Create Club +91 9448491013, Faoz Firoz, Member – U Create Club +91 9902778734..