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IEEE Conference record #59777
XPLORE Complaint Part Number - CFP23QZ5-ART

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and ManagementĀ 

Date: 22nd – 23rd, September 2023
Venue: New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Technical Co-Sponsored by

Call For Papers

Dear Researcher,

On behalf of MRTM 2023 organizing committee, I take this opportunity to invite you to participate in this professionally enriching flagship technical conference of Bangalore Section. 1st edition of MRTM will be organized on 22nd and 23rd September, 2023. MRTM23 will have eight technical tracks covering multiple domains. The eminent international speakers across the world, as well as the leading national research and industrial organisations, will present lectures and lead seminars and tutorials.

During this international conference, aspiring researchers will have the opportunity to present their own work orally, in addition to benefiting from the lectures of a number of international experts.Ā  I ensure you that your experience at MRTM23 will be technically enriched and international, and I am confident that it will be a rewarding and memorable one.

General Chair

The MRTM-2023Ā invites full-length original research contributions not submitted to any other journal/conference. We invite technical papers on, but not limited to, the following domains.

Track 1: Smart Grid Technologies

Track 2: Energy Management & Green Engineering

Track 3: Pioneer Engineering with Advanced Technologies

Track 4: Automation and Manufacturing Technologies

Track 5: Management & Emerging Technologies

Track 6: Intelligent and Secure Communication

Track 7: Information Theory

Track 8: Applied Sciences & miscellaneous topics