Structure of the club
1. All the club committees consist of 11 students each along-with President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 7 committee members
2. The members of the committee will be elected once in a year. Re-election of a candidate is permissible for only two terms
3. Students can become committee member any one club only
Rules of the Club
1. Students can take membership in maximum of three clubs
2. Those who are interested to join in any club , have to register online
3. The club committee should meet at least once in a week between 4.00pm – 6.00pm
4. Events will be conducted at college level
5. Club Committee Meeting has to be convened at least four times in a semester
6. Student club membership is valid for one year
7. Event conducted must be approved
Objectives of the Club
• Create and maintain an active community which supports students to become professionals in photography.
• Develop and maintain deep supportive relationships with other clubs activities.
• To spread awareness about the role of Photography for societal benefit.