An event less than 24 hours after the inauguration of the student’s club; and a grand success! That was ‘EXPERIENCE‘ . The one day extravaganza on November 8th saw the collaborative effort of 6 clubs-the Media,Literary,Fashion,Photography ,Art and the Socio-Political clubs. Media club being the ‘Air’ among the student clubs, chose to conduct ‘ Atelier De Journalisme’ , a talk on the basics of journalism, in the chanakya seminar hall. The speaker, Ms.Megha MR, channel head of Hamsa Tv spoke about who a journalist should be , what the audience expect from a true journalist and how not to be tricked into just being the commercial journalist everybody is turning out to be today. The talk also saw which path one could take to move into the field of media and journalism, just the perfect topic with the Media club. Questions and doubts were raised from the audience’s part of the hall and Ms.Megha patiently and with at-most interest made sure that no one left the talk with uncertain thoughts. Being an engineer herself, Ms. Megha related very well to the crowd, making the session a very interactive and interesting one, once again proving the well known fact that engineers fit in any where. It was evident to the end of the session that a whole lot of them present expressed keen interest in journalism and the field of mass media , relieving us from the waffling thought if our choice of event was right. The others present for the talk were Dr.Anitha .S. Rai, chief librarian and Cultural Head, NHCE and Mr.R K Chakraborthy, Director Press Relations,New Horizon, without whose constant support and efforts , the event wouldnt have been this grand a success . The session ended with the vote of thanks addressed by Vice president, media club. Certificates of appreciation were given to the participants later on.