Weekly feature : Aishwarya S A

Featured artist : Aishwarya S A

I believe life without Art is stupid.
We be a artist because our creater God was a beautiful artist as he created us by his own image, we inherit that creativity
I find my eternal bliss in the drawings
The beauty and the pain
The imaginations together bring forth the LIFE.
Well this is a beautiful love story been me and my Art!!

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Name: Aishwarya S A

Sem :5th

Branch : Computer Science

Her work

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Weekly feature : Sharan P R

Featured artist : Sharan P R

Sometimes, being different feels a lot like being alone. But with that being said, being true to that and being true to my standards and my way of doing things in my art and my music, everything that has made me feel very different… in the end, it has made me the happiest.

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Name :-Sharan P R
Branch :- Automobile
Hobbies:- I’m good at sketching and painting and even dancing




His work

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Decoration for Revelations by arts club

Revelations the most anticipated event of the even semester held at nhce on 6th april 2017  was a thrilling and a fun event.

all the clubs took part with high enthusiasm and contributed their share to a successful event.

art club handled the job of  making the campus look good and shine like a wedding bride…..and they managed to pull it off in such a short time and limited supply of resources.

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Following members from arts club took an active part in the process Ishita,Varshini,Kalmesh,priya
Anchit,Preeti,Anushma,Urmila,Ankita,Pranita and Soumiya .

day well spent for the fellow members and  it was a pretty looking campus.


The Art Club conducted their last event with the aid of Leo Club. It was an outdoor event,

which was held at Maruthy Dog Shelter, Sarjapur from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m april 24th 2017.

A total of 12 students participated in the event namely Priya Pai, Karthik,

Kalmesh,Anchit,Anushma,Arjun, Ankita,Greeshma, Varshini &  Kavya from the Art

club,Raghuram (Leo Club) and Shubhang (Leo Club).

The Art Club members contributed Rs. 200 each along with Other members and collected

around Rs. 3000, out of which Rs. 2300 for buying paints, brushes etc, and the rest was used

to buy buckets,mugs etc as a donation to the Dog Shelter.The Leo Club donated rs. 2000 from

which we purchased Shampoos and essentials for the dogs which were again donated to the


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The participants painted the walls of the Shelter with various artworks like Dog Portraits,

Silhouettes , Trees and Blossoms, a Heart and Paws. The artworks came out to be beautiful

and the shelter looked amazing.

This event showcased the talents and immense dedication of the art club students. And the

support of The Leo Club was commendable. This event was also a chance for students to

learn. The core art club members taught the other students wall painting and gave them a

hands on experience. The happiness of the Shelter owner went overboard when she saw the

work done by the students.

Weekly feature : Pranitha.V

Featured artist : Pranitha.V

WhatsApp Image 2017-03-18 at 8.09.26 PM
Semester: 2nd
Department: Biotechnology
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which one’s to keep.”
Painting with watercolours is one of my greatest pleasure. It feels magical to watch different colours blend in with each other so well. Art to me is freedom and joy. It’s been my hobby since i was a young girl.

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Nature has been my constant inspiration. It’s one way to escape in to my own world of creativity and imagination which helps me find myself and feel inner peace.


The International women’s day event was given the name ‘KHUSHI’, as the event intended to bring together all the women from the campus and celebrate women’s efforts and importance in our lives.  The event was conducted with the collaboration of extra-curricular clubs namely The Art Club, Lit club, Adventure club, Socio-political club, Media club, Music club, Photography club and the Fashion club.

The event was held on 9th march 2017 in the Auditorium at 12:00 pm. The decorations for the event were made by the Art club members Ankita, Kavya, Greeshma and Varshini under the guidance of the Art Club president Priya Pai. The decorations depicted the stages of a women’s life and her growth along with balloons and various craft work.










Number of performances took place in the event like solo dance, group signing, solo singing , group dance, Magic performance, Live Painting, ramp walk and stand up comedy. Outside the library number of event based artworks made by students were displayed on the board. In addition to it, an Instagram photo booth was installed so that people could take photos. Various food stalls were put up in the campus.


We had DJ Eesha playing in the jukebox at the outdoor basketball court at 3:00 pm. The whole crowd seemed energetic and having fun dancing on the music.

The event seemed to be a huge success everyone enjoyed and relaxed especially the women. We saw glimpse of massive talents in the performances. This was the day were all the club’s worked together showing unity and team work, thus making this event possible a great success.