INITIUM’23, is a literary & music fest hosted by 5 extra-curricular clubs of NHCE, they are Literary club, Drama Club, Music Club, Art Club, and Media Club. The day commenced at 10:00 am with the Inauguration Ceremony, presided by Dr. Manjunath, Principal of NHCE. The ceremony was held at Auditorium it began with a welcome address and invocation song which was followed by the lighting of the lamp by all the dignitaries present in the auditorium, Dr. Anitha Rai and all the HODs, after which the principal announced INITIUM’23 open.

Events were held around multiple locations on campus, the event locations included Auditorium, Falconry Hall, Quadrangle, MBA seminar Hall, MBA classrooms, VC room, and the Digital Library.
There were a total of 16 events hosted by different clubs, Pop-culture quiz, Multiverse of Madness, Turncoat Debate, Parliamentary Debate, Aircrash, Squid Games, Open Mic, Album Art Making, Solo Instrumental, Group Singing, Beat Box Battle, Push-up contest, Murder Mystery, Improv and Gaming. Overall the fest was a success and the students learned a lot and had fun.
The ART club was responsible for the extensive show of beautiful paintings that covered the campus. Large collages and many more life size cutouts of characters and some unforgettable pop culture references.