Venue: Chhatrapati Shivaji Block
Date: 25th June, 2024.
Time: 3:00 p.m-5:00 p.m.
Faculty Coordinators:
Dr. Rohini B – Sr. Assistant Professor(Dept. Of Applied Sciences)
Dr. Poornima G S – Sr. Assistant Professor(Dept. Of Applied Sciences)
Ms. Asha K – Sr. Assistant Professor(Dept.Of Applied Sciences)
Student Coordinators:
Caleb Miracle – 1st yr BE
Akshaya M – 1st yr BE
Event Description:
⦁ On June 24th, the STEM Club meticulously orchestrated “Code Guru”, a captivating quiz event with a
sophisticated coding game-show theme.
⦁ Spanning across two different classrooms, members and volunteers of the STEM club hosted code
guru in their assigned classrooms.
⦁ Code Guru is a club-level coding competition where students showcase their programming skills and
problem-solving abilities
⦁ Winners are recognized for their technical prowess and ability to devise efficient solutions to complex
Winners : Akash Kumar Gupta

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