Workshop On Entrpreneurship Skill Attitude  and behaviour development

On December 20 & 21 2023,the Institute Innovation Council in association with Department Of Management Studies and ED & Startup Club organized 2 days’ workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skill Attitude & Behavior Development”.

Mr. Himanshu .B , Founder Everything Recycles was the resource person for day 1, 20th December  and Dr. Richa Bhalla , Investor and Board Member Zeitgeist Retail Private Limited were the speaker for Day 2 , on 21st Dec for the event.  The workshop was an enlightening session activity based on entrepreneurial behavior and contribution towards ecosystem

The speakers further highlighted the need for development of entrepreneurship skills, attitudeswhich is crucial for individuals seeking to navigate the dynamic landscape of business and contribute to a thriving economy.

National Startup Day – A Talk

On January 16th2024,the Institute Innovation Council in association with Department Of Management Studies and ED & Startup Club organized National Startup Day A Talk On Entrepreneurship Development.

It was celebrated at NHCE premises through a talk by two entrepreneurs Mr. Shreenidhi Kulkarni CEO and Founder of soft kitchen Interio and Ms. Chaithra Co-founder of Rhythm Toes Dance studio, The entrepreneurs spoke about their journey which includes their struggle inspiration and challenges .They spoke about how they followed their passion and explore the opportunities.

They shared a success mantra which includes creating value for customers and always try to understand competition and make strategy or offer services comparable and better than

competitor. The session ended with an important note of achieving balance between academics and passion and importance of networking.


ED & startup club In Association with Institution’s Innovation Council, New Horizon
College of Engineering and Department Of Management Studies Organized Intra Institutional Business Plan
Competition “ Planning Prodigy”, on 9th ,14th
and 15th of May 2024 . The Business Plan Competition was
inaugurated on 9th Of May by Mr. Tejas Gowda founder of Crease Silva Private Limited. He has given the glimpse
and important tips to start an venture followed by a knowledge sharing session on business plan and its important
components. On 14th May 2024 the Business Plan Presentation was held and 8 teams participated. Shreenidhi
Kulkarni (CEO: Soft Kitchen Interio) and Ms. Chaithra M (Co-founder: Rhythm Toes Dance Studio) were the
judges for the presentations , they have shared their experiences related to their venture . Participants were given

valuable feedback regarding there business Plan and judges motivated them to work and take the business plan to
the next step of creating real venture . On 15th Of May 2024 validatory was organized for the event and the
participants were motivated to incubate the venture at NHCIIE, Dr. Rose Kavitha , Head of the Department Of
Management studies and Dr. Priya meet Kaur Keer addressed the gathering .The 3 day Intra Institutional Business
Plan ended on a note on Emphasizing job creator than job seekers .