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Conducted by : Lit Club , Socio-political Club and Media Club

Date: 28th August ,2019

Time : 3pm

Venue : Umbrella Street


The simple idea of having a discussion with friends over a cup of tea, i.e, Chai Pe Charcha ,turned out to be very welcomed students .

Over 70 registrations were recorded for the event which commenced from 3pm on the 28th of August , at our very own umbrella street.

The eager participants were divided into groups of 7-8 members each and were given a topic to discuss. The topics ranged from abstract, socio-political to controversial. Every table had been assigned a moderator for selecting the students who’d move to the next round , judging on their conduct, content, communication and critical thinking.By virtue of elimination, six students were chosen for a fourth and final round of discussion, at the end of which a winner and two runner-ups were decided by a panel of judges(the mediators).

In conclusion, the entirety of the group discussion was a well received event, pulled off smoothly by the combined efforts of the Lit Club , Socio-political Club and Media Club.

NHMUN 2019

Conducted by : Lit Club , Socio-political Club and Media Club

Date: 25th -26th October ,2019

Time : 10 a.m -4 :50 pm

Venue : MBA Seminar halls (Room no. 305 and 306)


Keeping in mind the importance of giving a platform for resolving impressionable issues through the voices of youth , this intra- college public speaking event was organized with great tenacity with over 50 delegates participating .Two committees were set up , namely the Human Rights Council and the Office for Drugs and Crime.  The former worked on the agenda of ‘Human Rights Violation in Africa’ while the latter dealt with ‘the Evolving Role of Narco Terrorism’. All the participants showed unparalleled vigour from  beginning to end, making the discussion on the allotted agendas very lively.

Through a two day deliberating platform, various solutions, rebuttals and a stimulation crisis situation brought forth the innovative thinking of the students and their ability to think on their feet. The event was brought to a close after resolution papers from both committees was put forth and the winners were awarded best delegate, honorable delegate and special mentions.